People have used energy healing therapies for thousands of years. The principles of energy therapies support the idea that illnesses and imbalances are due to blocks or imbalances in the invisible biofield that exist in and around the body.
Energy therapy techniques harmonise the energy fields in and around the body to promote health and wellbeing and encourage positive thoughts and emotions. The goal of energy therapy is to promote the free flow of energy. People can use it to treat a specific condition or boost wellbeing, while some use a combination of energy therapies.
Contact Sheila on 07702 415680 or get in touch via the contact form.
My lineage can go back to Mrs Takata and Dr Usui. I am a 10th Master from Dr Usui.
Usui Shiki Ryoho - the Usui System of Natural Healing - is a Japanese Healing Art. Mikao Usui founded this form in Japan a little over 100 years ago, and his personal search to understand healing led him to Reiki. The practice is passed on from Master to student through teachings, a defined form of practice and initiation.
The Japanese word Reiki can be translated as 'universal life energy', and the Usui System is a way of working with Reiki to heal the self and others. The word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness. Usui Shiki Ryoho addresses the whole person on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and those we cannot identify now.
Reiki works on the body as a whole, balancing the emotions, bringing clarity to the mind and reconnecting to the 'true self', which impacts physical wellbeing. The experience of Reiki is subjective, changeable, and sometimes very subtle. People often experience heat from the practitioner's hands, but sometimes the practitioner's hands feel refreshingly cool. Other everyday experiences are subtle pulsations near the practitioner's hands or cascading pulsations throughout the body.
Benefits of Reiki
Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Releases blocks and suppressed feelings
Strengthens intuition
Promotes natural self-healing
Strengthens life force energy
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
Promotes creativity
Relieves pain
Relaxes and induces stress
Strengthens the immune system
Clears toxins
Heals holistically
Angelic Reiki
Angelic Reiki is a healing system that sees the healer working hand in hand with the powerful energies of The Angelic Kingdom Of Light to carry out the healing. The energies in these sessions are diverse, always creating a unique experience. Aside from any healing that takes place, these sessions are commonly a wonderful, relaxing and energising experience.
Angelic Reiki can incorporate a wide range of different issues and is suitable for people from all backgrounds, whether you're experiencing an issue that is physical, emotional, or mental. There are no limits to the possibilities or benefits of having an Angelic Reiki session, which is holistic in nature, taking into consideration the whole of a person. Each session is over-lighted by Angelic energy; the Angels are the Master Programmers of the Universe and hold the Divine Blueprint and guide these sessions to where they need to go for the highest good of all.
Reflexology is a gentle therapy that uses massage and pressure on the feet to reduce tension and bring relaxation and balance to the whole body. It works on the theory that each area of the foot is connected to a specific organ, gland or body system. Studies have shown that working on these reflex areas can enhance sleep, reduce pain, and improve psychological symptoms.
Reflexology has been shown to induce relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety and calm emotions. It works to improve health and resilience within the body and prevent illness.
Benefits of Reflexology
Reduced anxiety
Supporting the immune system
Reduction in pain such as headaches, migraines, joint and muscle.
Improved Sleep
Relaxation, stress reduction
Improved organ function such as liver, heart, kidneys, pancreas, and adrenals.
A gentle and relaxing treatment that uses the crystal kingdom to harmonise your energy systems and bring you into a place of deep relaxation.
I gently use the energy of crystal points to work on both hands and feet to bring about release and relaxation. I use colour and the chakra points on the hands and feet to work at a deeper level. The traditional reflex points are covered with the pressing of the crystal point on all areas of the hands and feet.
The benefits of a traditional reflexology are enhanced by a full energy balance using crystals, colour and the chakra points.
Crystal Therapy
Various crystals and minerals are placed on or around a fully clothed person to induce deep relaxation, release stress and pain, and promote energy balance within the physical and subtle bodies. Crystals may be used singly or in patterns and are placed on sites of pain, acupuncture points or meridians, or subtle energy vortexes called chakras.
How does the treatment work?
Crystals can hold and emit energy vibrations - they absorb, focus, direct and diffuse our energy fields to enable a diseased or out-of-balance body to find its natural energetic rhythm. The appropriate crystals are placed on the seven main chakras, which look like different coloured spinning wheels of subtle energy, running up the centre of the torso. They are also placed on smaller energy points to help release blockages across the whole body.
These link the subtle energy fields of our aura with our emotions, glands, organs, physical body parts and subtle and physical circulatory flows. This is why wearing certain crystals, such as yellow citrine, may uplift you, rose quartz may help ease heartache, and amethyst may calm a busy mind and help you sleep
Crystals can be found in many beauty creams because of their ability to enhance the products. Quartz crystals generate an electrical current using piezoelectric charges. Piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure or heat.
When crystals are used as part of a massage or a facial the energy or light that they transmit stimulates the neurological system in the client which sends out positive messages to the brain and the client's body. By traveling deep into the skin, it allows a rejuvenated appearance by encouraging a healthy growth of the cells.
Crystals allow the holistic maintenance of the body by encouraging the mental, emotional and physical aspects of aging in a safe and non-invasive method.
Many people live in a busy environment and spend a lot of time in thought processes and in their mind. By using the light therapy this allows the body to rebalance and allow the client to balance their physical energy and their mental energy. It also allows the skin to appear healthier and rejuvenated and allowing a more positive approach to aging. It can also aid acne, scar tissue, eyes, moles, teeth, gums, ears and sinus issues.
Benefits of Massage
What happens in a Crystal Massage
The client is fully clothed and lies on the massage bed on their front to receive a treatment. The therapist starts on the back of each leg and then works up the body using the crystals to massage. The client may then turn over for the treatment to be completed on the front of the body. A crystal facial may be included.
When using crystals, you are using the spirit and energy of the crystal to connect with the client's own energy systems. As you are connecting in a way that is not usual the sensations may be unexpected. These sensations are normal and just the readjustment of energy.
A deeply relaxing face massage using natural healing crystals awakens and lifts your skin. You are boosting circulation and stimulating blood flow through congested areas. A crystal face massage is tailored and individually created for you. At the beginning of your treatment, we can carefully choose which crystals will work best for you. Your relaxing crystal facial massage incorporates crystals that revitalise the skin, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and relaxed.
Indian face massage
As we get older our skin loses some of its elasticity. Indian Face Massage gently removes the toxic build up, to loosen the fibres and increase elasticity.
Indian Face Massage can free constrictions both within the facial muscles and in the connective tissue. We don’t realise how tension can build up within our facial muscles from the pressures of everyday life. This can encourage ageing and the formation of wrinkles, as the face loses its muscle tone and elasticity, causing it to sag.
To allow the energy to flow more freely, facial massage is important, as it encourages healing, restores balance and inner harmony.
No expensive equipment or products are needed. I use my own natural facial cream as a medium. Indian Face Massage is performed by using the fingertips to make repetitive movements across the face. The fingers press, smooth and reduce the lines on the face, tightening the skin, increasing skin elasticity and promoting blood flow to the face. Indian Face Massage leaves the recipient feeling contented, peaceful and relaxed.
The techniques used in Indian Face Massage come from Ayurveda.
oracle card reading
Oracle card reading is a form of holistic healing that uses cards to help you gain insight into your current situation and find solutions to the problems. We often become frustrated or overwhelmed because we need direction or purpose.
This practice can help you gain clarity, relieve stress, and make better decisions in your life. The oracle deck is a powerful tool for spiritual guidance, intuition, and emotional wellness. They can lead you towards what is most important in life by tuning into your inner self. Oracle card reading is used as a tool for clarity and guidance.
Kansa Wand Facial & Massage
The Kansa Wand, a traditional Ayurvedic massage tool used for centuries in India, is crafted from "kansa"—a sacred bronze alloy revered in Vedic wisdom for its healing properties, even surpassing gold and silver. This unique metal warms quickly and helps balance the skin’s pH with its natural alkalinity, enhancing its restorative power.
What Is a Kansa Wand Facial Massage?
Massaging your face with the Kansa Wand helps restore pH balance, reducing acne, inflammation, and wrinkles. It detoxifies by stimulating marma points, enhancing lymphatic drainage for a clearer, radiant glow. Beyond skincare, it relieves stress, eases muscle tension, and boosts circulation. The Kansa Wand is a tool that detoxifies, balances, and revitalizes, leaving your skin healthier, luminous, and refreshed.
What Is a Kansa Wand Massage?
Massaging your body with the Kansa Wand encourages natural detoxification. The Kansa Wand promotes lymphatic drainage, helping remove toxins, reduce puffiness, and leave skin looking refreshed and radiant. The wand supports balancing the body’s energies, offering a calming effect during massage. Body massage will help relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and enjoy deep relaxation with its soothing massage action.
After applying a carrier oil, the wand is moved in circular motions on your skin. Focus is placed on acupressure points for enhanced energy flow. This allows you to experience firmer, revitalized skin and restored balance to mind body and soul.
How Does It Work?
The Kansa Wand’s alkaline properties naturally balance your skin’s pH, addressing sensitivity, wrinkles, inflammation, and acne. This helps keep skin issues at bay while promoting a healthier complexion.
Massaging with the wand supports lymphatic drainage, removing toxins from lymph nodes and bringing fresh oxygen to the skin. This boosts circulation, reduces puffiness, and enhances your natural glow.
In one simple treatment, the Kansa Wand improves texture, balances pH, and rejuvenates your skin, making it a powerful addition to any self-care routine.
Benefits of Kansa Wand Facial & Massage:
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